Orange County Music Services

Music Therapy | Lessons | Groups

We are a client-centered private practice in Orange County providing fun and engaging music therapy, music lesson, and groups. We use music to enhance and work on individualized goals by having a good time and learning new skills along the way.

Our studio is located in Irvine, CA and offers all the tools needed to start growing!

music therapy orange county california irvine adapted lessons

What We Offer

Music Therapy
(All ages)
Individual or group sessions to address cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and communication goals.
Music Therapy
Music Lessons
(All Ages)
Private piano or guitar lessons offered in a supportive environment for any age or level.
Music Lessons
Adapted Lessons
(All Ages)
Lessons with physical or instructional adaptations for those who require extra intellectual and developmental support.
Adapted Lessons
Play-based immersive music and language program. Parent participation required. Star March 2, 2023

Our core values

having fun core value
Having Fun
Our studio offers engaging and effective lessons to make learning fun.
goals core values
Goal Oriented
Whether it’s learning an instrument or improving behaviors and communication, we work with a goal in mind.
music for everyone core value
Music for Everyone
We work with each student to meet them at their level and work at their own speed and needs.
supportive environment core value
Supportive Enviornment
Our studio is built on a supportive and patient teacher-student dynamic.


Serving Orange County

Music enriches and supports a more well-balanced life.

Orange County Music Services offers quality music therapy and music lessons within various settings. We believe everyone can benefit from music regardless of varying needs or extra support they may need. Our studio aims to cultivate a learning environment where growth is constant at each student’s individual needs. We thrive on a patient and supportive student-teacher dynamic so that learning is fun!

We are located in Irvine, California for music therapy sessions and music lessons in our studio. We offer virtual and in-home sessions as well as community group sessions at your facility. Contact us to learn more or book your first session.

Certified Music Therapist
Inclusive Environment
Goal Oriented
Fun Learning



Get started today!

Request more information or schedule your first session.