Group Music Therapy

A fun and social music group where kids work on developmental growth while playing instruments and singing! Two groups available, ages 2-6 and 6-11.

Sing Into Spanish

A parent-and-me class that introduces toddlers to Spanish sounds through musical play, games, and stories.

School Groups

Music Therapy groups and individual sessions for K-12th grade and transition programs. Available for both public and privat schools.

Teen Groups

Address mental health needs such as anxiety, depression and behavioral struggles through songwriting, instrument playing, and lyric discussion.

Assisted Living Groups

Life reminiscence through tailored music therapy interventions designed to increase cognitive stimulation, physical movement, vocal health, and overall quality of life through group interactions.

Neuro-Affirming Music Groups:

In our neuro-affirming environment, we recognize and honor the diverse needs and abilities of every child. Our goal is to create a safe and inclusive space where children can express themselves freely, develop essential skills through their strengths, and explore their creativity through music.

Through engaging musical experiences, children learn to

  • identify and express their emotions
  • interact and collaborate in their own way with peers
  • develop self-confidence and self-awareness as they explore their unique creative abilities
  • stimulate cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and problem-solving
  • self-regulate through movement

Fun With Music Groups

Fun With Music is a 45-minute group session that support developmental growth through the use of live music, creative play, singing, movement and peer interactions.

Session Days/Times:

  • Tuesdays 3:15-4:00 pm for ages 6-10.
  • Thursdays 3:00-3:45 pm for ages 2-6.

Sing Into Spanish (parent and me) Group

Sing into Spanish is a curriculum designed to introduce toddlers to Spanish sounds and vocabulary through music and play. Research shows that children can learn a new language naturally through early exposure. This Parent and Me course is designed for just that- to teach toddlers Spanish naturally through exposure and bonding. All Sing into Spanish courses are taught by a native speaker to teach and encourage correct pronunciation.

Sing Into Spanish

Each lesson teaches new sounds and vocabulary and reinforces previous lessons through songs, play, movement, games, and stories. Concepts are reviewed between sessions with easy and fun home assignments that will further develop screen free and attentive bonding between child and grown up.

Session Days/Times:

  • Tuesdays 12:00-12:30 pm

OC Music Services is proud to offer in-clinic and community groups. Music therapy is an established health care profession that uses music intervention and a therapeutic relationship to promote health through assessment and treatment. 

Currently Orange County Music Services partners with different local organizations and facilities to bring tailored music therapy sessions and classes. Group music therapy can focus on different goals while address many individuals at once. Sessions are led by a board-certified music therapist and provide a safe space for clients to progress in their own pace from professional instruction and support. 

If you are interested in working with us to bring music services to your facility please contact us at