Holidays and Happy New Year 2024 from OC Music Services!

As we close another year we reflect on 2023 and how far we have come! We are so proud of the work and memories we have made with each and everyone of you at OC Music Services. We cherish the memories and people we have met and look forward to what 2024 has instore for us.

2023 at OC Music Services

This year has brought wonderful memories that we can look back on fondly. Some that stand out are:

  • Welcoming new families and staff to OCMS
  • Wonderful recitals with heartwarming moments
  • Continuing to educate on Neurodiversity Affirming Practices and adapting both recitals and community events to our Neurodiverse friends and students
  • Collaborating with community partners to introduce music therapy into the community
  • Friends of Music Fund was created to create FREE music therapy groups within Irvine and Orange County

Looking back, the work done seems unimaginable! We have worked hard to create a safe and supportive environment to all our students. We understand that growth looks different for everyone and our mission is to do what we can to nurture each student and individual’s growth.

boy performing in recital, people clapping

What Does 2024 Have For Us?

We are super excited and ready for 2024! This year we hope to welcome more families to our program and continue our work in providing supportive, neurodiversity affirming music therapy and sessions as well as community event and volunteering opportunities. We also are excited to continue our music therapy work in assisted living and memory care.

From all of us at OC Music Services, we wish you and your loved ones a 2024 filled with happiness, peace and growth.



Lety Castillo

OCMS Founder, Neurologic Music Therapist

new years from oc music services in irvine california